WOMENU QUICK SETUP INSTRUCTIONS ============================================================================== To quickly get the menu system up and running, do the following (check the documentation later for specifics): o Copy Windows Office Menu files to your Windows directory (normally F:\WINDOWS on a network or C:\WINDOWS on a stand-alone system). WOMENU.EXE WOMETER.EXE THREED.VBX CMDIALOG.VBX (VBRUN300.DLL is also needed in \WINDOWS or \WINDOWS\SYSTEM) o If not already running Windows, run it. o Run 'WOMENU.EXE' from the Windows directory. o Edit, Move, Insert, and Delete menu items as you wish to build the menu you want. That's all there is to it. Enjoy! o To optionally, set up your system for users in a menu 'locked' state using menu items 'rights', please see the documentation.